Web Design & Development

Design & Development

Which of the following do you need Web Design & Development for?

What Will You Get by Ordering the Website Creation and Design Service From Me?

At the end of our cooperation, you will receive a finished product with a completely positive and painless experience. I will make everything as easy and straightforward as possible. You will like it!

The Web Design & Development service usually includes this:

  • free hosting and a domain for a year
  • free three-month maintenance
  • full responsive website design (Desctop, Tablet and Mobile)
  • complete build of website
  • an email account with the end of your domain name
  • basic SEO optimization
  • hosting advice and set-up
  • domain set-up and integration
  • email account set-up
  • social media integration
  • newsletter sign-up
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Google Search Console
At the end of our cooperation, you will receive a finished product with a completely positive and painless experience. I will make everything as easy and straightforward as possible. You will like it!The Web Design & Development service usually includes this:
  • free hosting and a domain for a year
  • free three-month maintenance
  • full responsive website design (Desctop, Tablet and Mobile)
  • complete build of website
  • an email account with the end of your domain name
  • basic SEO optimization
  • hosting advice and set-up
  • domain set-up and integration
  • email account set-up
  • social media integration
  • newsletter sign-up
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Google Search Console

100% Free. No pressure. Just friendly advice =)

Start Right Now

Making Your Website Until You Are Satisfied

Enjoy Unlimited Revisions

 100% Clear And Stress-Free Service

Our Fulfillment Process, Explained Step by Step

Discovery Session

We start by filling out a detailed intake form, which, among other things, will contain information about your business and your goals. The success of your website depends on a deep understanding of your target audience, your customers and their needs.

Content and Media

The website will be structured around your content and media. We’ll help you choose the right images to enhance your brand.  Clear and concise content is our goal for effective conversion.

Website Mockups & Design

We will make your website not only beautiful, pleasant and consistent with your visual standards. But we will also pay no less attention to the user experience of your future visitors. Navigation on the website will be intuitive, with the minimum necessary number of actions and buttons.

Discovery Session

We start by filling out a detailed intake form, which, among other things, will contain information about your business and your goals. The success of your website depends on a deep understanding of your target audience, your customers and their needs.

Content and Media

The website will be structured around your content and media. We’ll help you choose the right images to enhance your brand.  Clear and concise content is our goal for effective conversion.

Website Development & Design

All the preparatory stages have been completed, the goals are clear, the data and images are there, it’s time to start creating your website. Once the website is ready, we can move on to the next step.

Testing and Launch

Your website has been created and is online. We are starting to test it and make adjustments. After your final confirmation, I will migrate the website to your live server and provide you with custom tutorials on how to edit and use your website.

You did it!
Your ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ website is ready!

You can sit back, relax and enjoy the result. And I’ll do the warranty service. Every website build comes with a free 100 days full technical support after it goes live. In the future, you can also choose from the ongoing care plans if you want me to take care of the backups, updates and maintenance.

✔️ Done

Website Mockups & Design

We will make your website not only beautiful, pleasant and consistent with your visual standards. But we will also pay no less attention to the user experience of your future visitors. Navigation on the website will be intuitive, with the minimum necessary number of actions and buttons.

Website Development & Design

All the preparatory stages have been completed, the goals are clear, the data and images are there, it’s time to start creating your website. Once the website is ready, we can move on to the next step.

Testing and Launch

Your website has been created and is online. We are starting to test it and make adjustments. After your final confirmation, I will migrate the website to your live server and provide you with custom tutorials on how to edit and use your website.

You did it!
Your ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ website is ready!

You can sit back, relax and enjoy the result. And I’ll do the warranty service. Every website build comes with a free 100 days full technical support after it goes live. In the future, you can also choose from the ongoing care plans if you want me to take care of the backups, updates and maintenance.

✔️ Done
✔️ Done

Don't Delay!
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Type of Website
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Desired timeline for the completion of the website

Here’s What My Happy Clients Say:

Authors Web Design

It’s fantastic to work with Raman! He far exceeded my highest expectations and presented a wonderful product. Thanks to the website, I will be able to structure all the information about myself and combine all my accounts and social networks into a single system. Now I can finally use Google and Facebook advertising tools to the fullest.

Alex Halimann

Website Design for Editors

Very professional and communicative. The website is made according to my wishes and ahead of schedule. I recommend Raman with a pure heart!

Eleanor Francis

Book Website Template

It’s fantastic to work with Raman! He far exceeded my highest expectations and presented a wonderful product. Thanks to the website, I will be able to structure all the information about myself and combine all my accounts and social networks into a single system. Now I can finally use Google and Facebook advertising tools to the fullest.

Lisa Nelson

Author of Love Romances
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