Website Maintenance

Your Website Needs Professional and Regular Care

Like any software or application, websites require maintenance and updates to work properly. Technology is constantly changing. Regular updating and maintenance of your website is crucial to ensure its reliable, fast and trouble-free operation at full capacity.

I suggest two types of care for your website. Check out the details below.

1. Website Maintenance

Many website owners think that this cannot happen to them, that no one will hack their website or infect it with a virus. That their website is too small and of no value to intruders. Why on earth would anyone want to hack it?
Although there are many reasons why your website could be hacked. Well, for example, one of them is redirecting traffic to advertising modules, spyware, phishing and other unwanted content.

The probability of hacking an older website is higher due to less secure code and modules. Plugin and theme developers often release updates to fix security issues, and it’s important to apply them to your website right away.

What's Included

  • Weekly updates of software, plugins and themes
  • Backups & restore points
  • Repairs and Fixes
  • Scanning and monitoring for malware
  • Broken Link and Error Checks (404 pages)
  • Monthly analytics report with page views, site traffic

$45 or €42 or £35/month*

* Offer available for small websites, with less than 10 pages. 

Please contact us for a custom quote for larger than 10 pages websites or directory websites.

2. Content Updates

WordPress allows you full control over the website’s content. You can definitely edit it yourself, but most likely your time can be better used elsewhere. Therefore, I will be happy to help! If you are a beginner or an amateur, you will definitely save time and money by using my services.

What's Included

  • Adding, replacing, or editing images and texts
  • Setting up new pages and blog posts
  • Setting up custom posts
  • Edits to existing forms and pop-ups
  • Edits to any other existing content

$35 or €32 or £29/hr

BONUS: free consultation

Here’s What My Happy Clients Say:

Authors Web Design

It’s fantastic to work with Raman! He far exceeded my highest expectations and presented a wonderful product. Thanks to the website, I will be able to structure all the information about myself and combine all my accounts and social networks into a single system. Now I can finally use Google and Facebook advertising tools to the fullest.

Alex Halimann

Website Design for Editors

Very professional and communicative. The website is made according to my wishes and ahead of schedule. I recommend Raman with a pure heart!

Eleanor Francis

Book Website Template

It’s fantastic to work with Raman! He far exceeded my highest expectations and presented a wonderful product. Thanks to the website, I will be able to structure all the information about myself and combine all my accounts and social networks into a single system. Now I can finally use Google and Facebook advertising tools to the fullest.

Lisa Nelson

Author of Love Romances
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